Dribs and Drabs About My Biking and Blogging

After the positive reception to my last post, The Bike Rider and the Farmer, it’s a little bit of a let-down to return to form. Little things, like that story inspired them to try a short story. Or by inviting someone to the Bike Curious social ride (in which I participated once again), they had to get their bike rack and bike in shape. Organizing a new bike gang is bringing in new people, too. But, writing about my biking, blogging, and book-writing, plus other random stuff, is mostly what I do (well, there’s a fair bit of complaining, too). So this is another brief collection of what’s up with A Dude Abikes (cue that SNL song “What Up With That?”)

Biking Hundo Weeks in the Heat Hurts

Strava stats show I biked 610 miles in 5 weeks with 4 rest days. I’m just saying.

Am I still biking in the heat, I’ve been asked? Well, have you met me? If so, you know that even though it’s hot in Austin, Texas, yeah, I’m still biking and aiming for 100 miles per week. Mostly I ride in the evening and at night, except when I need to go somewhere and haven’t got the patience for the bus. Which is usually never, because it’s very slow. Slower than I, often. But I accidentally recorded a walk as a ride, though, so my five week stretch of 100+ miles came to an end. (Missed it by THAT much!) Still, my average over that period is 122 miles per week. That’s pretty darn respectable for someone who is fighting a sinus infection, heat, fatigue and generally just plain slowness for reasons unknown.

But after the Mamma Jamma training ride #2 when I added distance, making it a 45-mile day, I definitely felt like I overdid it in the heat and humidity. I haven’t fully recovered yet but it turns out that I probably need more Vitamin D, which is ironic since it’s so sunny here. But I also definitely need a lot less stress. Recent situation has added more than I want so I’m dealing with that. Today was a bike rest day but of course I still did yoga and took a walk. The next MJ training ride is this Saturday, so hopefully I’ll be rested up for it and will take it easy. Assuming this malaise will pass, I will need to get registered and start fundraising, because the Mamma Jamma is on September 21 — less than two months away. If interested, get in touch with me via the About page.

Blogging Visitors Pass 10,000

10,000 Visitors to my blog is awesome!

I happened to notice this statistic. Since 2016, when I started this project in my tiny little corner of the internet, Ten Thousand People have viewed my blog. Doubtless many are repeat visitors, but I think that’s an amazing number.

Of course some people get way more than that. The Cat’s Write down under is approaching that, having recently passed 9,000. Milly Schmidt also kindly mentioned me as one of nine blogs to check out. So it’s nice to be noticed, and I wanted to take a moment to thank you for reading and for being one of them and/or the next 10,000.

Keep it up and do tell all your friends about https://ADudeAbikes.com!

My Bike Gang & the Tour de France

I have found a few more potential new members to add to the list, so hope that continues growing. Meanwhile, a kindly couple has offered to host and organize our second event, a potluck. People are busy and out of town, but hopefully it’ll work out or at least be a happy hour so we can get better acquainted with each other and find out what direction we want the group to head. The next day will be followed by a Bike Austin meeting, so I hope to bring a few new pals to that.

Here’s an exciting piece of news! I suggested a column for the neighborhood newsletter called Ask a Cyclist, and they’re going to try it out. In fact, I kinda got the idea from Tejay Van Garderen and Peter Sagan, who both are featured in the Tour de France. The first blurb will go out announcing it soon to solicit questions. After that, if there’s sufficient interest and space, I’ll answer with my trademark, wit, intelligence, charm, and maybe a pun or fart joke. There’s no crying in baseball, but there sure is a lot of flatulence in cycling. (Not really, I’m just trying to entertain you.) Except there is. Farting. But it’s outside so it doesn’t count. (Still kidding.)

Today was a rest day, and as a friend drove me in his Prius to an errand, I said slow down as we passed a cyclist in the bike lane. I said hi to a member of the gang, the husband of that couple, whom I had recognized was out riding. He seemed pleasantly surprised to see me, and I yelled “Allez, allez!” as fans and team directors do in the Tour de France. That was an amusing coincidence. (I’m still streaming the Tour but am very far behind, like a whole week. So no new thoughts, and please no spoilers!)

The photos from NBC Sports include (l-r from top): 1) the Devil’s pitchfork, 2) a long distance shot of the Devil jumping up and down as two riders approach; 3) Chad Haga, a rider currently in the Tour for the second time from Team Sunweb from McKinney, Texas; and 4) a caption of Phil Liggett saying “Lars Bak at the back. A long way (back).”

Well, that’s plenty of a taste for now. Come back Thursday morning for more! (My current schedule is Tue, Thu and Sat mornings, which could change.) And keep riding your bike or doing that voodoo that you do so well! I’ll end with this photo of a nice new bike mural on the side of a building I noticed while on the Bike Curious social ride I attended again. It’s a fun, chill ride that goes to some cool places. If you’re in Austin, join us and be sure to say hi if you do!

A cool new bike mural on the side of the Spy Shop in Austin, TX

Thank you for visiting me on WordPress or at https://ADudeAbikes.com.  Feel free to add your Likes and Comments and to Follow the blog through WordPress if you have it, or by email.  Contact me on the About page with any questions.  Please feel free to Re-blog and Share as long as you give credit and the permalink to this post.

© 2019 A Dude Abikes. All rights reserved.

7 thoughts on “Dribs and Drabs About My Biking and Blogging

  1. Dude. It’s a pleasure to read your blog. It’s like I’m standing next to you and your talking to me.

    Brandon is out every day riding in the heat. It’s 7 PM and he called as I write this. He is at Mellow Johnny’s just about to go on a 30 or 40 mile ride before dark.

    When he was with me two weeks ago, 30 or 40 miles took most of the day. I tend to stop a lot for photos, videos and nourishment.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m enjoying this comment alot. Here at the end of a long day that wasn’t great it’s a nice balm. Thank you.

      Come visit B and we old farts will go on a nice slow ride. I need to go see him, actually. After the Tour, and I’m way behind.

      But don’t discount your riding and especially you’re recent tour. I doubt I could do one in my shape. I need to read all your posts about it but it’s pretty impressive, regardless of speed.


  2. 122 K per week is uber impressive.

    This heat that has affected most of the country has totally sucked the life out of my running mojo. I have kept to it every other day, but throughout the wave I was only going three miles and I was happy with that. No need to overdo it. Today was much nicer out and so I was able to extend myself.

    Can’t wait to hear more about “Ask A Cyclist”!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s miles, sir. In kilometers it’s 196.

      Yeah heat sucks, take care if yourself..I need to reduce it but find it hard to do so.

      I and not sure how humans will survive if we keep poisoning the planet. More bikes and walking and running!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Mile OR kilometers . . either way it’s uber impressive. Coo?

        I love running in it, because I feel so productive on account of I look as if I just got the business end of a dunk tank. But yeah, it’s no time for pushing. I ain’t a young pup.

        We are quickly entering the point of no return. It’s that moment when all the naysayers finally admit “Oh shit, we were wrong!” . . which is too little too late.

        Liked by 1 person

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