On St. Patrick’s Day, How the Bicycle Helped Bring Feminism, Freedom, and More to Ireland

Today is the holiday of St. Patrick’s Day which falls during International Women’s History Month, plus it’s been two weeks since my last post. Also, I’m a quarter Irish-American myself. All together, those are as good a reason as any to blog. But when it comes to bicycling and Ireland, I don’t know much. Sure, I’ve heard of famous Irish pro cyclists Sean Kelly, Stephen Roche, and Dan Martin (born in England but a dual national, given his mother is Irish and related to Roche). I enjoyed watching the latter back when I tuned into the Tour de France. Martin was a cheeky breakaway and mountain climbing specialist. Professional sports isn’t for 99.9% of people who bike, though. There’s also that Idlecyclist chap, the fellow blogger who’s doing more hiking these days. (No judgement, and it still rhymes). But it was fascinating to learn that the bicycle has an important role in Irish history.

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3/3/2024: Why I Hate E-Bikes / E-Bikes Might Also Be OK

I just wrote a post the other day, How Writing Has Helped My Bicycling, but the month and day numbers match again, so it’s already time for another post. As for a topic, I had a hard time choosing one. I was going to go with biking while sick, since I’ve been struggling with something for a few weeks now. A normal person would stop biking until they got better. But I’m in the capitol of Texas where one of our slogans is “Keep Austin Weird,” so in my case, I just have kept riding somehow. I do slower and thus fewer miles, which makes me sad not to meet my goal. There’s not much more to say on that subject, which is boring. I haven’t done an Austin Cycling News Roundup in a while, but I’ve not been very plugged into the bike scene lately, and that takes a little time to research. I considered reviewing the Reddit bicycle discussion, r/BikingATX, but also not much there. So, I landed on my hatred of electric bicycles aka e-bikes, otherwise known as motorcycles. Yeah, I said it.

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