Top 10 Tips for the Aging Cyclist

Hi. Your dude here. I recently griped again about that which ails me. I’m somehow but barely managing to keep biking each day, even when it’s slow to low mileage. It occurred to compile a list, a la Letterman (David), though not as amusing, but more useful. (No wives were cheated on my or interns schtupped in the making of this blog post, having neither, wife, intern, nor hit TV show.) Anyway, if you’re doing things right, you are currently still alive as you read this and so you’re aging, too. Very relatable. So, if you bike, walk, hike, run, swim, etc. you might resonate with the idea that the old bod is not able to do what it used to do (be do be do). Without further ado, and no doo doo, here’s…. Dudey!

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4.5 Years of Consecutive Daily Bicycling, and This Dude Is Pretty Damn Tired

“Everybody’s “got something.” That’s the title that Good Morning America host Robin Roberts gave to her book about fighting then recovering from cancer–twice. I’ve mentioned–okay, complained–about the various things that my body’s got plenty of times. I guess this is another one of those times. Because despite the milestone of daily riding my bicycle, my mileage is miserable, my Strava stats simply suck, and this dude’s definitely dealing with downright dullness. But for some perspective, the moon and sun achieved totality in eclipse the other day here in Central Texas. It was pretty cloudy and anticlimatic especialy for all of those who plunked down thousands to come see it. This dude, and the Earth, spin on.

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4/4/2024:  Parking in Bike Lanes is Illegal; Austin City Council:  “But We Really Mean It This Time!”

You’re not supposed to park in the bike lanes because it’s wrong. When drivers park in bike lanes, they endanger (and potentially kill) people on bikes because have to ride out into traffic. There are those drivers who don’t care (aka sociopaths), don’t understand (can’t read the signs), or are in a hurry/are lazy. For all of them, the motivation should be to avoid a ticket. We’ll see about that.

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