Gratitude for Some Small, Simple Pleasures of Bicycling

After recently commemorating four years riding a bicycle every day, and before that spending 15 years being car-free, I know there are lots of big moments in my journey. But it’s the small pleasures of bicycling that satisfy, sustain, and sometimes surprise me. Thanksgiving is a time when gratitude gets more attention, but any time is a good time to be grateful.

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11/11/2023: Transportation in Austin: It’s Gonna Get A Lot Worse, Before It Gets Worse

Lily Tomlin, the great comedic actor, allegedly said that line about things getting worse. It certainly applies to how people move around most big cities like Austin, Texas. I’m now an authority of the subject because I read the FAQ and attended one protest held by titled “Wider Won’t Work.” Oh, I also have ridden my bicycle daily for four years and 4,000 miles in Austin so far this year. I see traffic, because like all cyclists on the street, I AM traffic. So, yeah, maybe I am an expert. And as with the (un)affordable housing and homelessness crisis, we Austinites can all agree on two things: 1) there is a problem with transportation in Austin, and 2) we do not agree on what to do about it.

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