Mountain Time:  Biking and Hiking the Dakotas, Montana and Wyoming

Pictures and links to follow.

“The mountains are calling, and I must go.” -John Muir

September 14, 2016, Sacred Mysteries Bookstore, Livingston, MT

I’m sitting in a small room in an old building with a high ceiling, surrounded by books and pictures of deities, saints and mystics from all the traditions.  The creaky, sienna-colored, peeling paint wood floor I slept on was hard, even with my new sleeping bag and pad.  So I’m sore and groggy — trying to wake up without Folgers in my cup.  There’s some traffic noise from the street and the hum of the mini-fridge and something else I can’t identify. I notice a large black, green and red sheet with cuneiform writing and the Hindu elephant god, Ganesh:  the remover of obstacles.  Last night when I arrived, the spiritual class being held recited a prayer to Archangel Michael titled “Traveling Protection.”  Apparently, I’ve come to the right place.

How I Got Here

“The trick is to tick things off your bucket list without kicking said bucket.” -A Dude Abikes

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